Yayasan Lintas Edukasi Unggul Asia
We envision a world where individuals discover, nurture & utilise their full potential through right- fit education. At every stage of career with Axel we offer personalised training and support that will assist you progress and develop your career. We empower people who are willing to learn, think out of the box, strive to achieve their dreams to leave their own mark. Hence, each of staff will be offered early responsibilities, numerous opportunities and fast-track careers. Axel has jobs and traineeships for people of all levels of education and experience, whether you have a qualification from a college, university, or are unqualified
- Summarecon Digital Serpong, Learning Lab 1F unit AXEL Gading Serpong, Tangerang 15810 - Kompleks Istana Mekar Wangi, Jalan Mekar Utama No. 35 Bandung 40237 - Jalan Pasir Kaliki No. 159 Bandung 40173
Kota Tangerang , Banten
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