Growth Specialist

Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Industri :
Posisi yang dibuka: 0
Total seluruh posisi: 17
Posted : 12 April 2021 08:00 WIB tutup - 11/10/2021 23:00 WIB
Spesialisasi : Penjualan dan Pemasaran
Sayurbox is a provider of fresh produce to household (B2C) and restaurants (B2B). Our vision is to make fresh produce and products from farms and producers available and accessible to everyone, along with our missions (i) To be the go-to fresh produce platform and ecosystem, (ii) Innovative and top class customer experience, and (iii) Improve efficiency and transparency in the agri-supply chain. However, it is always a work in progress to seek further potential and challenge.
To achieve our vision and missions, we require our team to be aligned with our core values.
Please take a moment to read and understand those values..
This position will be placed in Pejaten - Jakarta Selatan
Jenjang : Sarjana/S1
Program Studi : Semua Jurusan
Pengalaman : 2 Tahun
IPK : 3
Sayurbox is a provider of fresh produce to household (B2C) and restaurants (B2B). Our vision is to make fresh produce and products from farms and producers available and accessible to everyone, along with our missions (i) To be the go-to fresh produce platform and ecosystem, (ii) Innovative and top class customer experience, and (iii) Improve efficiency and transparency in the agri-supply chain. However, it is always a work in progress to seek further potential and challenge.
To achieve our vision and missions, we require our team to be aligned with our core values.
Please take a moment to read and understand those values.

Level Masuk : Entry Level
Jumlah : 1 orang
Penempatan : Pejaten, Jakarta Selatan
Tipe Pekerjaan : Penuh Waktu
Deskripsi Pekerjaan : Position Job Scope including, but not limited to:
  • Finding more insights and turning them into a series of strategies to improve our onboarding and retention funnels. Creating more tactics to increase average order frequency per customer. 
  • Identifying new product features to be developed that indicate onboarding and retention improvements. Develop and conduct quantitative surveys to help tackle the problems with the research team. 
  • Drives decisions with both quantitative customer data and qualitative customer feedback. Can articulate WHY a shift in the  data might be happening. 
  • Working closely with the CRM team to analyze the impact for each campaign.
  • Identifying new product features to be developed that indicate onboarding and retention improvements. Develop and conduct quantitative surveys to help tackle the problems with the research team. 
  • Drives decisions with both quantitative customer data and qualitative customer feedback. Can articulate WHY a shift in the  data might be happening. 
  • Working closely with the CRM team to analyze the impact for each campaign.ntists team to create correlation between each data point that can lead to increase our north  star metrics. 
  • Constant learning of our customer psychology.
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