Elite Premier Banking / Personal Banking Staff

PT Bank HSBC Indonesia
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Industri :
Posisi yang dibuka: 0
Total seluruh posisi: 4
Posted : 25 January 2023 00:00 WIB tutup - 15/05/2023 00:00 WIB
Spesialisasi : Bank dan Keuangan

Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Corporation, is the largest Global banking in the world.  for the first time open business in Hongkong in 1865, helping to finance trade between Asia and the rest of the world. Now we successful building a network of branches across Asia, Europe, and North America.

HSBC focusing building business with wealth and personal banking services and global banking services to full fill client needs and growth their business.

Wealth and Personal Banking Serves more than 50 million customers worldwide with a complete range of banking and wealth management services to enable them to manage their finance and protect and build their financial futures. It is a global business that brings together management responsibility for Retail Banking Wealth Management, Insurance and Asset Management with a focus on customer – centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels.

  1. Male / Female with  max Age 28
  2. Minimal Graduated s1
  3. High Motivation, Career Orientation, High networking and Passionate with people also target oriented 
  4. have passion on financial banking industries 
  5.  Personal Banking Staff : Fresh graduate /  with experience less then 1 year

    2. Elite Premier Banking : Banking experiance  more then 1 year 

  6. Job deskipsi : Build networking and relationship with the client to full fill their dreams and ambitious  on wealth and personal customer growth
    High motivations, career orientation and have a goals as a financial consultant 

Jenjang : Sarjana/S1
Program Studi : Semua Jurusan
IPK : 2.5

Elite Premier Banking : Banking experience  more then 1 year 

Personal Banking Staff : Experiencence / fresh graduate 

Level Masuk : Entry Level
Jumlah : 25 orang
Penempatan : surabaya, Bandung, Medan
Tipe Pekerjaan : Penuh Waktu
Gaji : Rp 4.800.000,00
Deskripsi Pekerjaan : Build relationship and networking with the customer to full fill customer needs to growth their wealth

Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Corporation, is the largest Global banking in the world.  for the first time open business in Hongkong in 1865, helping to finance trade between Asia and the rest of the world. Now we successful building a network of branches across Asia, Europe, and North America.

HSBC focusing building business with wealth and personal banking services and global banking services to full fill client needs and growth their business.

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