Internship Business Information Specialist

Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Industri :
Posisi yang dibuka: 0
Total seluruh posisi: 5
Posted : 30 November 2022 12:00 WIB tutup - 28/02/2023 00:00 WIB
Spesialisasi : Riset

IDEAS (Interns Development, Enhancement and Acceleration Space)

Internship in Bank BTPN is more than what it sounds like. There is no brewing coffee for your senior, spending most of your time in the copier room, or just sitting around with nothing to work and learn from.

We help you gain fundamental knowledge and experience in dealing with a real-life problem, solving it, and creating an even bigger positive outcome from it.

- Student majoring in International Business Management, International Marketing, Finance or Management, etc
- Has good analytical thinking and writing skill
- High curiosity, creativity and persistent
- Has integrity and reliability
Jenjang : SMA / SMK / Sederajat
Program Studi : Semua Jurusan
IPK : 3
- Fluent in using Microsoft Office
- Work well, both independently and as a team player
- Good time management, interpersonal skill and able to
communicate effectively
- GPA Minimum 3.00
Level Masuk : Entry Level
Jumlah : 1 orang
Penempatan : Jakarta
Tipe Pekerjaan : Magang
Deskripsi Pekerjaan : - Seeking data and information from various reliable sources that meets the customers' business needs
- Analyze and structure the data and information to support customer’s business decision and business growth
- Write the informations into a format that is structured and easy to understand
- Analyze on opportunity to grow for specific industry (such
as global trends, possibilities using e-commerce, geographical expansion, products expansion, export-import, etc)
- Do marketing & competitor analysis for selected industry
- Assisting the process of product and business development
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