PR and Media Relations

Industri :
Posisi yang dibuka: 0
Total seluruh posisi: 17
Posted : 20 April 2022 12:00 WIB tutup - 29/04/2022 23:00 WIB
Spesialisasi : Media dan Periklanan
Launched in the late November 2016, Artisan Professionnel represents the finest new standards in professional for false eyelashes and original design, where our product undergo strict control in details such extent, that the whole process becomes a ritual beauty and well-being..
Jenjang : Sarjana/S1
Program Studi : Semua Jurusan
Pengalaman : 2 Tahun
IPK : 3.2
  • 2+ years PR relevant working experience and highest academic level above diploma.
  • Excellent and Fluent in English, able to conduct press release in English.
  • Ability to present ideas to pitch ideas/strategies and drive alignment
Level Masuk : Entry Level
Jumlah : 1 orang
Penempatan : -
Tipe Pekerjaan : Penuh Waktu
Deskripsi Pekerjaan :

  • Develop media relations strategy and seek high-level placements various medias to maximize impact.
  • Formulate and execute proactive PR plans to strengthen our market position and maintain brand image.
  • Measure and provide reports on each PR campaigns.
  • Create and manage contents for press releases to communicate product features and product competitive advantages precisely.
  • Build relationships with thought leaders to grow industry awareness.

Ditulis Oleh PT Cempaka Kreasi Sekawan / Artisan Professionnel Dilihat 459 kali