MEMORY Furniture was founded in 1993, and since, has been growing to be one of the largest do-it-yourself (DIY) knocked-down furniture manufacturer in South East Asia. We are exporting our high standard products from Indonesia to all over the world. The highest demands are now coming mostly from France, UK and Japan, which specifically require high quality products, with e cient production time and of course, best prices. It shows how MEMORY maintain to provide the best furniture manufacturing solutions for our clients. Based in Tangerang - Banten and Batam Island - Riau, MEMORY Factories are equipped with high tech European machinery, combined with the latest material technology and more than 2000 skillful labor forces. We care deeply to meet our client’s need. We know, that one of the key factors of DIY concept furniture is ease of assembling. Thus, we specially designed the separation of the product for assembling simplicity, and also developed a ‘light weight’ furniture solution. Using the latest Honeycomb Paper Technology for 80% less product weight, without decreasing the durability of the product itself. For more than 20 years, we’ve been working closely with some of the largest furniture retailers in the world. Striving for constant innovation in product developments, we mostly o er modern and fresh Original Design Manufacturer (ODM) furniture. Clients can find a very wide range of possibility and finishing, including our latest and best acquisition of UV Lacquer Technology. Above all, fun trendy colors and totally unique designs are the essence of MEMORY. Functioning as your reliable manufacturer, it’s our goal to make you stand out among your competitors.
Jl. KH. EZ Muttaqien Kelurahan Gembor Kec. Periuk Kota Tangerang
Kota Tangerang , Banten
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